12 de junio de 2011

Say no to Vía Verde


Sign the Petition

The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) calls its newest potential pipeline project "Vía Verde" ("Green Way"), but many Puerto Ricans are calling it "Vía de la Muerte" ("Death Path") because of the 200,000 people it will endanger. 
PREPA wants to build this unnecessary 92-mile natural gas pipeline at a cost of $500,000,000 to the government-owned utility monopoly.
The pipeline would be vulnerable to earthquakes, flooding, tsunamis, fires, and corrosion by natural acid drainage--all of which could damage the structure with disastrous consequences for neighboring areas.
Yet the Governor of Puerto Rico is trying to speed up the PREPA pipeline because of the business interests that will profit.
Fortunately, the involvement of wetlands and rivers means the U.S. Corps of Engineers (USACE) has regulatory authority.  
That's why Casa Pueblo de Adjuntas, a community-based environmental organization, started a Change.org petition to tell the USACE to deny the permit to build this destructive pipeline.
Opposition to "Vía Verde" is well-established. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recommended the permit be denied, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) demanded a full Environmental Impact Statement. On May 1st, 30,000 Puerto Ricans demonstrated against this pipeline. Yet the USACE still hasn't stopped the "Via Verde" project. 
To take a stand by adding your name to the Casa Pueblo de Adjuntas petition on Change.org
Thanks for taking action,
Patrick and the Change.org team
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