22 de noviembre de 2011

Organic Food controlled by goverment

And now in latest update government raids organic farm, when picnic organizer was forced to pour bleach on organic food.

In down below videos one girl said the best. The genetically modified Frankenstein foods at McDonald's are glorified and promoted via government endorsed USDA certification.

Meanwhile, fresh natural, organic food is a "threat to our health and well being".

We have to get government out of our lives. They work for Big Agra, not us. 

When Napoleon, first, and then the Germans, later, invaded Poland, the first thing they did was gather up all the grain mills from each house and then break them.

Possession of a grindstone was punishable by death (usually by hanging in the village square).

Monsanto and others like them are just doing this on a larger scale.

If you want to control a population you first need to remove any possibility that they can produce their own food so they must be utterly dependent on the state for their needs.

Bread truly is the source of life.

The next thing you do is destroy the family as the family is truly the nucleus of all societies. Without a strong family to depend on and support, each citizen becomes isolated and must rely on the state.

There are numerous ways this has been done since the late 1950s. Just watch your average Hollywood film and see how a 'modern' family is represented.

If you want to have a real society then don't protest on Wall Street, grow a family and grow your own crops.

Just like with Manhattan Island, you were sold a bunch of shiny baubles and gave up your freedom in exchange. And now you complain.

UFO-Blogger.com loyal reader

Update: Yet again, Facebook filters our news article, particularly in U.S. by deleting comments, wall posts and blocking facebook user friends to view the news link. Even U.S. prostitute media had blacklist the News.

Now big question is how to fightback, our answer is please share the link with everyone via email, Google plus and ask your friends, to do the same and tweet it with #Organicfoodraid

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